Health Tips to Surviving Covid-19


We are already in the second month of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since we are quarantined at home, we like to think of this as a fantastic time to start making changes and setting habits that will better our health and well-being. Small daily changes will pay off exponentially and we are here to set you up for success.

Here's a list of our top 5 essentials health tips to get you through COVID-19:

  1. Create a consistent routine. This is an easy time to slack off and lose sight of our goals and we cannot let that happen. Our routines are the fail-safe that keeps us in check when we get distracted. Go to bed and wake up at the same time. Plan meals, meal portions, and meal frequencies consistent with hours that suit your lifestyle. Dedicate and carve out time for fitness at least 3-4 times per week so the habits stay for the long haul. Creating checkpoints in your day can give you a sense of accomplishment that reinforces positive behaviors for life.
  2. Declutter your life. Part of improving your health and wellness journey includes organizing your life. The organization allows us to function efficiently, think clearly, and lower our daily stress levels. Since we are quarantined at home, this is especially a great time to dig into those spaces we tend to forget about like our closets, pantries, garage, and storage spaces to clear out unworn clothes, unused linens, old cleaning products, expired food and finish off those house projects that have been on our "to do" lists for months. We recommend triaging or prioritizing your to-do list and knocking one project off a day!
  3. Find a fitness program that YOU love. The truth is, all fitness is good fitness. Don't let anyone sell you differently on this. We believe that fitness should be fun and you should be excited to work out rather than it being the part of your day you dread. Some folks like working out with friends, their spouses, their kids, with a private instructor, or in group settings. Our members love all modalities from CrossFit to yoga, Sweat & Strength to running, personal training to Olympic Lifting, and even dance! It's all great, just find something that fits the daily routine that will set you up for success. Right now, specifically is an opportunistic time to test new at-home flavors of fitness since the most conventional methods (like heading to your gym) are on hold. There are tons of free workout programs, tips, and videos being shared all across the internet. We are even posting daily strength workouts, at-home workouts, stretch series, and all sorts of fitness modalities for free on our Instagram @transformcrossfit, Facebook Page, and Youtube Channel. Ultimately, anything that gets your heart pumping and that builds muscle is excellent for physical, mental, and emotional health. Also, don't forget to stretch! Mobility is what makes you a well-oiled machine and takes your fitness game to the next level. Most importantly this is the key to avoiding chronic pain and preventing injury.
  4. When appropriate, opt outside! We fully support the importance of social distancing and staying at home. If you have a backyard and can enjoy a breath of fresh air, turn off the TV, step away from your computer and enjoy the outdoors. We live in one of the most beautiful places in the world and spring has just begun! We may not be able to gather with friends and family but we can certainly connect with mother earth. Try doing your in-home workouts outside for a change! We need this mental break from self-quarantine inside our homes to keep sane plus, we can add the bonus of vitamin D from the sun.
  5. Meditate. Meditation is to the mind what fitness is to the body. COVID-19 has turned our lives inside out and upside down. Our normal routines with work, school, sleep, sports, entertainment, and leisure have gone haywire. Add a lockdown on top of all that! Being content with yourself, your space and your mind make all the difference in our self-worth and happiness. Even just one minute of meditation and positive thinking in the morning before you start your day can change the way you view the world. Give yourself some love and share those positive vibes the world needs most right here, right now. We're rooting for you!

We hope you enjoyed our first blog post. We plan to make this an essential resource for your daily health and well-being. We promise to keep these straight and to the point. Feel free to leave us a comment if there's a topic you would like us to write about. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube.